- C: Users YOURUSERNAME Documents Xfer Serum Presets Presets MAKEANEWFOLDERHERE. It will then show up in the program. Edit: Realized you're on a mac. That will be /Library/Audio/Presets/Xfer Records/.
- For the serum presets that I make for myself, I organize them into their own folders (growls, plucks, pads, dope leads, etc.) The problem is to access each one, I have to go into serums menu and click on load preset each time. This is just not a nice workflow since I can't just scroll through my own.
- Serum Original Presets Folder Download
- Serum Original Presets Folder Download
- Serum Original Presets Folder Online
This tutorial is about how to install Serum presets, wavetables, LFO’s and noises. It’s easy to organise all your Serum tools! Good to know: All Serum packs from Typhonic Samples are sorted in a way that you can add all the elements of the pack, with a single copy + paste. But first the ‘general way’ to add Serum presets, wavetables, LFO’s and noises.
Documents/Xfer Serum/Presets/Skins macOS. The ‘Default’ folder is the original folder that will display the original GUI. Instead, when you’re installing.
All Serum packs from Typhonic Samples are sorted in a way that you can add all the elements of the pack, with a single copy + paste
Step 1: Locate your Serum presets folder.
To locate your Serum presets folder. This is probably located at “C:UserDocumentsXferSerum Presets “. If you can’t find it or using a mac, simply open up Serum and go to Menu – Show Serum Presets Folder.
Serum Original Presets Folder Download
This folder contains all your Serum presets, wavetables, LFO’s and noises.
Step 2: Copy + Paste your Serum presets.
Now simply copy (ctrl + c) the Serum presets, wavetables, LFO’s and noises and paste (ctrl + v) them in the corresponding folder. The wavetable folder is named “Tables”.
Step 3: Keep is organised.
To keep all your Serum tools organised, you can create folders within the default Serum folders. These folders will show as “grouped” items in the Serum preset selector.
Step 4: Rescan Serum.
When Serum is still open, you’ll need to rescan Serum to see the changes you’ve made. Go to Menu and hit “Rescan Folders on Disc”. Now all your new presets, wavetables, LFO’s and noises will be visible and ready to use!
How to add Serum preset packs from Typhonic Samples?
All Serum packs from Typhonic Samples are ordered in the same way as Serum does. This means you only need to copy and paste all the subfolders from your download and paste them into the “Serum Presets” folder you located at step 1.
Here’s an example based on our pack Skull Crushing Bass Vol. 2. The only thing you need to do is copy the subfolder “Presets” and “Tables” and paste them in the “Serum Presets” folder.
They will be organised with the name of the pack in the corresponding sections of Serum. It’s that easy!
Serum Original Presets Folder Download
We also offer a variety of free Serum presets, wavetables and LFO’s!
Serum Original Presets Folder Online
If you’ve any questions about how to use or install Serum presets, please leave a comment below.